This guide walks you through the steps to:

  1. Build a computational graph using tensor operations.
  2. Compile and execute the graph to generate execution traces.
  3. Prove the computational graph using C-STARK proofs.
  4. Verify the proof to ensure computation integrity.

Step 1: Create a Computational Graph

use luminair_graph::{graph::LuminairGraph, StwoCompiler};
use luminal::prelude::*;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

  // Create a new computational graph.
  let mut cx = Graph::new();

  // Define three 2x2 tensors with sample data.
  // In a real-world scenario, these could be input features, weights, etc.
  let a = cx.tensor((2, 2)).set(vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]);
  let b = cx.tensor((2, 2)).set(vec![10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0]);
  let w = cx.tensor((2, 2)).set(vec![-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0]);

  // Define computation operations on tensors:
  let c = a * b;       // Element-wise multiplication
  let d = c + w;       // Element-wise addition
  let mut e = (c * d).retrieve(); // Final operation

At this stage:

  • No computation has been performed yet.
  • The graph only defines the operations that will be executed later when the trace is generated.

Step 2: Compile the Graph

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  // Previous code ..

  // Compile the computation graph to transform the operations and prepare for execution.
  cx.compile(<(GenericCompiler, StwoCompiler)>::default(), &mut e);


  • GenericCompiler: Applies backend-agnostic optimizations such as CSE.
  • StwoCompiler: A specialized compiler provided by LuminAIR that replaces operations with their equivalent components in the AIR.

Step 3: Execute the Graph & Generate Execution Trace

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  // Previous code ..

  // Execute and generate a trace of the computation graph.
  // This is when the actual computation happens.
  let trace = cx.gen_trace();

  // Display the final result.
  println!("Final result: {:?}", e);

The actual computation happens during trace generation (gen_trace()).

Step 4: Prove and Verify the Computation

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  // Previous code ..

  // Generate a C-STARK proof for the execution trace.
  let proof = cx.prove(trace)?;

  // Verify the generated proof to ensure the integrity of the computation.

  println!("Proof verified successfully. Computation integrity ensured. 🎉");

In real-world scenarios, proving and verifying are typically performed by different entities:

  • The prover generates the proof after executing the computation.
  • The verifier validates that proof without needing to re-execute the computation